Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Out of Focus by Nancy Naigle

Book: Out of Focus

Author: Nancy Naigle

Release date (if applicable): Released

Synopsis: Kasey Phillip's doting husband, Nick, dies in a car accident. Their son was with him and has disappeared from the wreckage. Who among their friends knows more than what he/she is saying??

My rating: 3 Stars

My opinion: To be totally honest in my review of this book, I liked this book, but it didn't rock my boat to where I loved it. I actually found the main character, Kasey, really untouchable and found her actions surrrounding the disappearance of her son unbelievable. I def. like the author's first work, Sweet Tea and Secrets, more than this one.

The book is well written though, so my problem with the book wasn't a lack of quality writing. I would have liked to have seen more, at a minimum, concern over the missing 3 year old. I know if it was me, I would be scouring the woods where the accident occurred. It went from the missing child to one week later and one month later, etc. It was just really odd to me.

On a final note, it wrapped up with a nice red ribbon..again, finding this totally unrealistic for incidents which, if I divulged, would take us down the path of Spoilerland!

Would I recommend? : To someone who likes light mysteries. Not in general though

Stand Alone or Part of a Series: Part of series

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