Book: Speed Dating with the Dead
Author: Scott Nicholson
Release date (if applicable): Published
Synopsis: Ghost hunter Digger Watson goes for a paranormal conference at The White Horse Inn, a haunted hotel that he and his wife, before she died, agreed to meet if one should die before the other. Adding to the cast of characters is his daughter, Kendra, who is a very disgruntled daughter, as Scott puts them "The wannabe TAPS members, and the crew of the hotel. Will his wife show up? Will Digger be happy she did? Who will show up with her? Will they be as happy to be a part of Digger's show or do they have more sinister plans for the conference?
My rating: 4 Stars
My opinion: I believe this is my 5th or 6th Scott Nicholson book but definitely my favorite to date. This just read like a good old fashioned ghost story. It actually reminded me of some of my favorite "ghost story" movie called THE CHANGELING which starred George C. Scott and was released in the 1980's. Fans of shows like Ghosthunters (in fact there is even a reference in the book to TAPS) and other shows like it, will get a kick out of this book.
Although, I am kind of light and fun in my description of this book, don't take that as the book being light and airy. It definitely has a creepy factor to it which is pulled off spectacularly.
One of the things that I most appreciated about this book, as I have appreciated in a chunk of Nicholson's other books, is the simplicity of the story line and writing. In my humble opinion, with this genre of book, most that I have come across have a cheesiness and over the top factor which makes me groan, roll my eyes and score my rating for my book down. It appears that Nicholson knows how to write where he draws out the "fear" factor without resorting to parlor tricks (no pun intended..ok maybe). I also love the fact, that like this one, the books I have read by him are set in rural locations. This again, imho, leads to a the perfect ghost setting.
I have noticed in the chunk of books I have read of Nicholson's that he really brings in folk lore into his books which I think helps with that "simplicity". There just something really Americana about it that I thing really boosts its' palatableness to the reader and makes his works stand out to that of his contemporaries.
Source: Owned
Would I recommend? : Yes, for lovers of ghost stories. Although it isn't considered folk lore, I think lovers of folklore would enjoy the book too
Stand Alone or Part of a Series: Stand Alone